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  • Writer's pictureSavory Syracuse

Flu Season is Upon Us

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As if midterms weren't bad enough, now everyone is getting sick. Our bodies' immune systems have weakened from our lack of sleep and from the change in weather. With everyone, in dorms especially, being within such close proximity to everyone else, getting sick is almost impossible to avoid. With all this being said, I am here to provide some tips on avoiding flu season and getting your energy up in order to finish out the semester strong.

The number one way to keep your body healthy is to stay hydrated! It's that simple. Drinking plenty of fluids everyday will keep your body functioning smoothly, and help to fight off viruses and bacteria. Water is the easiest drink to grab at any time of the day.

*Always carry a reusable water bottle around with you in order to grab a refreshing drink no matter where you are. Any campus is filled with water fountains.*

For those non-water drinkers out there, try adding fresh fruit or a splash of juice to add a little flavor!

Orange juice is the next go-to. It's full of vitamin C which delivers collagens to your body and helps recovery in all the different systems. This is a great way to change up the water routine, but watch out for the su

gar levels. It is good to give yourself a bit of energy, but it should be in moderation to avoid feeling sluggish.

Tea is another good way to feel good. It's wa

(Photo from

rm and customizable for any taste preference. Drinking a hot cup after being outside will sooth your throat and immediately allow you to feel better. Plus it's full of natural caffeine!

The dining hall is a wonderful place for those of us who are a bit cooking-challenged, or just too busy to feed ourselves. But with so many people breathing over our foods, it's easy to catch an air born illness and spread germs.

*Remember to use the tongs to pick up food to avoid contaminating others.*

Also, don't sneeze on the food! Putting this rule out there just as a friendly reminder. The safe foods are the ones being served but the dining hall staff.While you're out to eat, don't forget to fill your plate with fresh fruits and veggies. Leafy greens are a great way to get vitamins A and E, which help strengthen your immune system.

So for the remainder the semester, mix up a salad, grab some orange juice and take care of yourself! Finish out strong, because Thanksgiving is right around the corner.


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