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  • Writer's pictureSavory Syracuse

Dorm Sweet Dorm

Now that I gave you all the perfect recipe for success in the dining hall, it's time to talk about eating when you're in your dorm. Sure anyone who lives in a dorm 99% of the time has a meal plan and will learn to love the campus selection, but there are times when it's just not possible to eat at the dining hall. Maybe you're too sick to get out of bed, or it's a weird time of day when the dining hall isn't even open, or maybe theres 3 feet of snow on the ground and you just can't stand the thought of going outside (like in Syracuse). Though I don't recommend avoiding the dining hall food forever, it is nice to have a change of pace sometimes, or at the very least, some emergency snacks.

I'm here to explain some easy foods to have in your room and some must have appliances that are easy to have even in the smallest of spaces.

Let's not forget everything we talked about with stealing from the dining halls. Tupperware is your new best friend. Getting a takeout box or even sneaking any extra plate into your bag can go a long way. It's nice to have some ready to heat up food just incase you need something quick and filling.

If you are lucky to have someone's parents in town who offer to take everyone out to dinner, do NOT feel pressured to scarf the entire meal down in one sitting just because it's real food. Leftovers are a beautiful thing. Remembering that you have half a burger sitting in the fridge will change the whole mood of the day!

If you live close enough to campus to go home every once and awhile, make an extra plate to bring back to school with you. You don't realize how much you miss your mom's cooking until you leave home for four months straight.

There are so many easy foods to keep in your room, that you won't have to worry about going bad and stinking up the room. It's very important to not leave any food that can root in your room for too long, especially remembering to clean out your stash before any break.

Here are some of the best snacks to have:

(Photo from

  • Microwaveable popcorn

  • Almonds

  • Pretzels with hummus/ dip to keep in the fridge

  • Chips/ crackers

  • Granola bars/ cereal

  • Pasta

  • Peanut butter, Nutella, or any other delicious spread

These are simple snacks that can hold you over until the next meal, and be a change of pace. I loved getting different dips and spreads to put on bread or a pita!

Dorm rooms aren't exactly the most spacious of living accommodations, but it's all you have to call home for a few years. Making the most of the space can go a long way to not make it feel overcrowded, especially since you probably don't want the only decor to be snacks.

(Photo from

Getting storage bins to hide under your bed, (lofting beds adds a ton of more storage space), will have to have all your food in one place, and away from thieves. I prefer a three- shelved tower with pull out doors to keep things from spilling out and you have to opportunity to organize our food. Bins come in all shapes and sizes, and can be found at any Target or BedBath&Beyond store.

While you're out buying bins and food, don't forget to grab a few handy utensils. Sure you can steal from the dining hall, but it's nice to have a spoon, fork, knife in your room at all times. Plus a microwave safe bowl, mug, and plate are super important. It isn't much but these are often things the can get overlooked.

In the next post I'll be diving into some super easy recipes you didn't realize you could cook in a dorm.


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