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  • Writer's pictureSavory Syracuse

Dining Hall Hotspots

Everyone has spent at least half of their college career eating at a dining hall, and some enjoy it more than others. The limitless options have their perks, but being able to fill three plates every meal can become a bad habit. I have a few ideas of how to make the most out of your dining hall experiences, to finding the hidden gems, to what to avoid all together, in order to keep you full and satisfied for the whole year.

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Unlimited options and no time limit to eat everything in sight can be great, and should be fully taken advantage of. But at a lot of schools, there is a set amount of swipes you have before you start paying out of pocket to enter. Eating three balanced meals is important, but we all have cravings through the day. The dining halls have stocked pantries that are usually easy to grab a few extra items to keep in your room in case of emergencies. Syracuse's dining halls have takeout box options, so you can pack yourself a whole extra meal if needed. These are great to utilize when you know you're on a time crunch. Or even if you like a midnight snack.

If you're feeling a little mischievous, wrapping up some extras in napkins and slipping them into your backpack after class is another option. My roommate and I always had ice cream sandwiches stashed in our freezer, just in case.

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For those who fully want to commit to getting the most out of their meal plan, Tupperware is your new best friend. Most workers will not bother telling you you can't take the food off your plate and carry it out with you. This makes it easy to grab any extra helping of the special, or take a few slices of pizza for the road.


With so many options to choose from, it can seem overwhelming in the beginning of the year. Getting to eat at a buffet for every meal for a year takes some getting used to, and you should know where to draw the line on what you're eating.


-Try the specials. These change every day and give you some variety in your diet. It's a good time to expose yourself to new foods that you didn't know you liked!

-Hit all the different stations. Switching up your plate can keep things exciting!


-Skip the veggies. Now that your mom isn't around to fill your plate it can be tempting to go for the junk food. EAT A SALAD!

-Pick up food with your hands. A lot of people eat at the dining hall every day so germs can spread easily. USE THE TONGS!

-Overfill your plate. Eating at an unlimited buffet can feel like a personal challenge to try everything. Take a breather, one plate may be enough.

Like I just mentioned, it can be easy to eat what works, and staying at the table for so long that you just have to get another plate. We've all been there. But remember the food will be there next time you come back. It's good to have a balanced plate for every meal. That includes adding some fruit for breakfast, or a side salad at dinner. Your body will thank you for this. There are so many customizable options, even the pickiest of eater can find something that they enjoy.

Anther important thing, you don't need to had French fries to every meal. I was always guilty of grabbing a helping of fries at lunch AND dinner. Try only taking a couple during one meal, instead of both.

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I almost forgot dessert! My dining halls had delicious, warm, chocolate chip cookies freshly baked everyday, and they were a trap. Everyone would grab one for the road. Not to mention the ice cream bar. This is great, in moderation. I'm not saying you should never go near it, but it is important to watch out for your body sometimes.


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